Monday, July 27, 2009

KulimeLA LIVE - Day 1: Welcome to KulimeLA

Day 1: Welcome to KulimeLA

Yesterday, while I was scoping out the logistics for the prasadam tents with some of the organizers, I remarked, "This is strange. It's so quiet right now. But what, in a matter of hours? this entire block is going to be... pulsating with hundreds of gurukulis,"

"Wall-to-wall," Bhima agreed.

"Wall-to-wall," I echoed.

Bhima and I both walked up the street a bit to get a perspective on the block, and to absorb the special KulimeLA street signs posted on lamp posts. Watseka Avenue is not that big. I've attended three different Kulimelas, all of which have been hosted in the countryside, with land and space to burn.

But Watseka Avenue? As I stood there with Bhima, I just had to shake my head in awe. Somehow, at times 600 - maybe even 800 - gurukulis are going to fit onto this block, here, in the thick of the city of Los Angeles. Not only are we going to fit, we are going to rock it - dance, sing, eat, produce a professional drama, host seminars and workshops, community plenaries with hundreds of people...

How are we going to do it?

Goooood question.

Stay tuned. Welcome to KulimeLA.

1 comment:

Radhika said...

We MOSH in LA. :)

To write is to dare the soul. So write.